About Global Housing Foundation

Who We Are

The Global Housing Foundation (GHF), in partnership with UN-Habitat, facilitates alliances between Public, Private, Academic, Foundational, Community and Governmental organizations designed to develop and leverage their power and effectiveness for the common cause of providing innovative solutions for workforce housing challenges.heir power and effectiveness for the common cause of providing innovative solutions for workforce housing challenges.

United Nations Human Settlements Programme (Un-Habitat)

UN-Habitat has embraced the Global Housing Foundation as a committed partner for slum improvement programs as a follow up to the 2005 World Summit outcome of the United Nations.

Our Mission

The Global Housing Foundation (GHF), in partnership with UN-Habitat, facilitates alliances between Public, Private, Academic, Foundational, Community and Governmental organizations designed to develop and leverage their power and effectiveness for the common cause of providing innovative solutions for workforce housing challenges.


To produce sustainable solutions which provide affordable homes through access to resources, empowering creative minds and connecting and mobilizing a global network of stakeholders committed to socially responsible housing strategies.


GHF leverages the expertise and resources of the private real estate community to build affordable housing in inner city slums around the world.

Provides Family Continuity and Gender Equality

As part of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) all housing facilitated by GHF mandates that a woman’s name be on the deed. Studies show that this is the surest way to keep the family together and encourage the children’s education.

Municipal Participation

GHF, through its UN partnership, requires that local municipalities provide clear title to land and create sufficient infrastructure such as local utility connections and deeded road access.

GHF Developer Partner Program

In 2012, GHF signed a partnership agreement with the Ministry of Housing and Land Management of the Republic of Panama to develop a neighborhood of work force housing in Panama City. This opened the door for the Developer Partner Program. GHF utilizes the Developer Partner Program whereby local real estate development companies designate a section of their housing project toward workforce housing. Upon the completion of the home, GHF-UN preapproved local banks provide individual home financing. The GHF advances are then returned to GHF for the purpose of funding the construction of another GHF-UN home.

Pay-It-Forward Partner Program

GHF utilizes the Pay-It-Forward Partner Program whereby philanthropic organizations and private sector individuals fund the initial cost of homes as construction financing. Upon the completion of the home, GHF-UN preapproved local banks provide individual home financing. The GHF advances are then returned to GHF for the purpose of funding the construction of another GHF-UN home. In this manner, the Pay-It-Forward funding acts as seed money for the next home to be constructed.